In case that you have a lot of iCloud files in the app, you could have faced this issue before - the files need to be downloaded again after some time.
This is triggered by the system when you lack free space on your device - the system actually offloads the files to optimize the app's functioning.
There's a way to fix the issue:
- Make sure to free some space on your device.
- Here's how you can prevent the files from being automatically deleted via the Files app:
- Open the Files app and navigate to iCloud Drive. Locate and open the PDF Expert by Readdle folder.
- For the folder containing the files you want to keep, tap and select Remove Download to temporarily free up space.
- Once done, re-download the folder by tapping it and waiting for all files to finish downloading.
- After the download is complete, tap and select Keep Downloaded for the folder. This ensures that iOS won’t automatically remove the files, even if your device runs low on space.