If the fonts do not display correctly, look garbled, or change to another font while editing, this might be because the font is not supported by the system and thus by our app. It can also indicate that the file has text encoding issues. If you encounter any of these:
- the fonts change when you try editing the text, or look garbled
- the text is displayed erratically on the Annotations sidebar
- the text looks garbled in the search bar
Here's what you can try:
- Open the file in PDF Expert and go to Edit mode.
- Click on various text blocks if needed and check what font is stated on the sidebar to the right.
- After you've seen the fonts, please open the file in Adobe Acrobat Reader - if you don't have one, you can download the free version. Please make sure that you're downloading the free one, which is Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.
- While in Adobe, go to File > Properties > Fonts.
- Check the fonts that are listed and compare them with the ones you've seen in PDF Expert to find the custom one. After you've found the needed font (e.g. Calibri), download it to your Mac: you can use any search engine and browser to do so.
- Open Font Book on your Mac (it's a standard macOS app) > click the Plus button to add a font you've downloaded.
- Once it's added, please restart PDF Expert and check if the same issue persists in this file.
Right now, we do not support third-party fonts, but there's a possible workaround - you can install the custom fonts to iFont app. Here's the tutorial you can use.
Alternatively, starting with iOS 18, you can manage system fonts on your device - go to iOS Settings > General > Fonts > System Fonts > download the fonts you need and check if it helps with your affected files.
If the issue can't be resolved on your side, please send us a sample file to rdsupport@readdle.com. If the file's size is too big for sending it over email, you can upload it to any cloud storage service and share a link with us - e.g., you can use the WeTransfer service.