If you can’t download Spark Classic or have issues with updating it on the App Store, please check the instructions below.
Spark doesn't install
If Spark can't be downloaded, first of all, please make sure your device meets the following requirements:
- macOS 10.13 or later
- 64-bit processor
If there are issues with downloading the app from the App Store, here are Apple 's recommendations.
Issues with updating Spark in the App Store
If Spark doesn’t update in the App Store, here are Apple 's recommendations on this issue.
If you continue experiencing issues with updating the app, please contact Apple Support.
Note: In order to install the update, you need to log in with the same Apple ID you used to download the app.
If it has been changed, please delete Spark and download it with your current Apple ID (the latest version of Spark will be installed automatically). Please note that you should log in to Spark with the same account as you did before.