Spark offers the stylish Dark Mode to please your eyes while working at night or in a poorly lit environment.
- Click Spark at the top left of your screen.
- Open Preferences > General > Appearance.
- Under Dark Theme support, select one of the options.
According to System Preferences is a default setting. It means Spark switches to the Dark or Light Theme depending on the appearance you choose in System Preferences of your Mac.
Dark theme means Spark always has the darkened interface enabled, even if your Mac uses the default Light theme.
Light theme makes Spark always use the Light theme, even if you enable the Dark Theme on your Mac via System Preferences.
- Tap the menu icon at the top left.
- Open Settings > Personalization > Appearance.
- Tick one of the options.
Spark offers both the Dark and a truly Black color scheme.
If your device is running iOS 13, you can tick System, and Spark will adapt its look depending on the system settings on your iPhone or iPad. For example, when you set a system-wide Dark Mode, Spark automatically turns on the Dark color scheme.
If you’d like to use the black background for your inbox, please select Black in the Spark settings.
- Tap the menu icon at the top left.
- Tap Settings > Themes.
- Pick one of the options.
Spark lets you choose between the Classic theme, the Light theme, and the Dark theme as well as handle themes as per your Battery Saver settings.
If your device is running Android 10, you can tick System, and Spark will switch to the Light or Dark theme depending on your system settings.