Documents can easily unarchive any compressed .zip or .rar files for you. To unarchive a compressed file, simply tap it. To learn more about unarchiving process in Documents, follow this article.
Create or add compressed files to Documents
To add a compressed file to Documents, you can either compress files or folders in the app or use one of the following ways:
- Add files using the plus button at the bottom right
- Share files from other apps to Documents
- Download them from our built-in browser
- Access files from any cloud storage connected to Documents without downloading them
Unarchive compressed files
To unarchive a compressed file, simply tap it, and unarchived files will appear in the same folder where the original archive is located. If you don't need this archive anymore, you can tap ... on it, then tap Delete. Provided that you had unarchived the file, all the unarchived files will stay untouched, while the archive itself will be deleted.