The Smart Actions Banner is a feature that is created to help you complete your work faster. Once you perform an action with your file - e.g. copy, move, download from browser or cloud, or import them from other apps, a banner in the bottom of the screen appears and stays there for 7 seconds. Depending on the file type and the action performed, the banner automatically suggests your further actions, allowing you to save a few taps.
For example, when you copy or move an audio file, the banner will show you the “Share”, “Play”, and “Show” buttons, and when you copy a video file to Documents from other apps or integrations, there are the “Extract Audio”, “Share”, and “Move” buttons on the banner. The banner allows you to instantly enter a Reading mode once a PDF book imported to Documents, straightaway enjoy an audio file you extracted from a newly downloaded video lecture, and more, and more.
Let’s look how it practically works:
Can the Smart Actions be managed?
Currently, Actions cannot be turned off or adjusted, but please let us know what you need to be changed and your thoughts about this feature by sharing some feedback - we really appreciate it! To email us, go Documents Settings> Support > Send Feedback.