Scanner Pro
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Using Scanner
Install Scanner Pro
Install Scanner Mini
Scanner Pro and Scanner Mini difference
Supported languages
Open the Scanner settings
Editing options in Scanner
How to crop and rotate scans
Choose your scan size (Custom, A4, A5…)
Change the color mode
Erase irrelevant details
Straighten curved lines on scans
Create a scan
Create a multi-page scan
Create a folder
Creating subfolders
Move scans into a folder
Rename a folder
Rename a scan
Reorder pages within a multi-page scan
Switch between the Grid and List views
Sorting options
Create Expense Reports
Import Documents
Choose between saving as a PDF, JPEG, or TXT
Share scans using the Share Button
Send faxes from the scanner app
Print scans
Share scans from cloud via a link
Share scans with Android devices
Transfer scans to desktop
Password protect scans while exporting
Share scanned files through a link
Use your cloud storage with Scanner
Connect new cloud storage and choose the upload mode
How to manually upload files to cloud storage
Use iCloud and Share with iCloud Drive differences
Text Recognition (OCR)
How to search through the recognised text
Scanner Widgets
Quick Actions
Scan documents in iMessages
Smart Categories
Billing & Subscription
Use Scanner for free, or subscribe
How to check and manage your subscription status
How to cancel the free trial for Scanner PLUS
Refund processes in Scanner Pro and Scanner Mini
Missing/not loading scans in Scanner Pro
Can't email scans
Scanner crashes
There are no “Use iCloud for Sync” and “Store Scans in iCloud” options in Scanner Settings
Scanner Freezes
Unable to scan
Restore accidentally deleted scans
Scans don’t auto upload to my cloud storage
Fax did not pass
Fax function disabled
Can't delete duplicates
Privacy & Data
Scanner privacy FAQ
Password protect the Scanner app
Contact us
Using Scanner
Using Scanner
Install Scanner Pro
Install Scanner Mini
Scanner Pro and Scanner Mini difference
Supported languages
Open the Scanner settings
Enhance and edit your scans
Editing options in Scanner
How to crop and rotate scans
Choose your scan size (Custom, A4, A5…)
Change the color mode
Erase irrelevant details
Straighten curved lines on scans
View & Manage your scans
Create a scan
Create a multi-page scan
Create a folder
Creating subfolders
Move scans into a folder
Rename a folder
Rename a scan
Reorder pages within a multi-page scan
Switch between the Grid and List views
Sorting options
Create Expense Reports
Import Documents
Export & Share your scans
Choose between saving as a PDF, JPEG, or TXT
Share scans using the Share Button
Send faxes from the scanner app
Print scans
Share scans from cloud via a link
Share scans with Android devices
Transfer scans to desktop
Password protect scans while exporting
Share scanned files through a link
Connect Scanner to cloud storage
Use your cloud storage with Scanner
Connect new cloud storage and choose the upload mode
How to manually upload files to cloud storage
Use iCloud and Share with iCloud Drive differences
Apply Text Recognition
Text Recognition (OCR)
How to search through the recognised text
Tips & Tricks
Scanner Widgets
Quick Actions
Scan documents in iMessages
Smart Categories